On Monday 23 June there will be a University wide upgrade to TurningPoint version 5. Users and support staff should note that:
- There are a few key interface changes in TurningPoint v5 which end users should understand before they use it. A link to a short video explaining these will be circulated shortly.
- All existing installations of TurningPoint on University managed PCs will be automatically updated so you do not need to do anything. To check if you have one of these, refer to https://www.bris.ac.uk/it-services/advice/managedsystems/
- It many take a day or two for the update to appear on your PC. If, however, you do not have it by Friday 27 June you should email service-desk@bristol.ac.uk.
- We strong advise that all existing installations on non University manage PCs (e.g. home computers) are also updated so that they are running the same version. Further guidance on this will be available in the next few days.