What is Blackboard Mobile Learn?
Blackboard Mobile Learn allows staff and students access to their teaching and Learning materials on Blackboard whenever and wherever they are through their mobile device. Blackboard Mobile is available in native mobile applications for most popular mobile platforms including including Android™, iPhone®, iPod touch®, iPad® and BlackBerry®
What does it do?
Blackboard Mobile Learn is an extension of the University’s existing Virtual Learning Environment, Blackboard. By downloading the application much of the core content on your units will be available to you on your mobile device. Students and staff are able to access documents, use communication tools including discussion boards and announcements (staff), upload media to discussion boards and blogs and view grades and feedback.
Does it make everything mobile?
Blackboard Mobile Learn makes a large number of the tools in Blackboard available to mobile users. There are some differences in access to certain tools depending on the device you have. The link below details the features available to each device.
Applications and Features summary
Where do I get it?
Click on the link below and chose your device from the images.
Student and Staff download here
How do I access University of Bristol Blackboard?
Search for the University of Bristol and tap on the name displayed. When prompted enter your usual Blackboard ID and password.
What do I need to do to access my courses?
Nothing – the plug-in we have added to Blackboard manages the way you see the information on your mobile device across all of your units.
What does it cost?
Blackboard Mobile Learn is available as a free download. Once you have downloaded the application and are accessing Blackboard data costs will be applicable in line with the data package on your device.