[Open] ‘Full screen’ view option not displaying for some Re/Play videos

We are aware of a problem with selecting ‘full screen’ for Re/Play videos when accessed via the Re/Play link on a Blackboard course menu. The supplier is investigating as a matter of urgency.

In the interim, you can get the ‘full screen’ button to show by opening the video collection in a new tab or window:

  • click the Re/Play link in the course menu as normal to open the collection
  • ‘right-click’ (PC) or ‘CTRL + click’ (Mac) on the ‘Home’ button at top left (see screenshot below)
  • select “Open link in new tab” or “Open link in new window” from the menu that appears.

This workaround has been successfully tested in Chrome and Edge browsers.

Screenshot showing the 'Home' menu icon.










If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

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