Turnitin AI writing report updates

Turnitin has informed us that, from 16 July, two new improvements will be added to the AI writing report:

  1. Turnitin has increased the maximum word count limit for submissions from 15,000 words to 30,000 words for AI writing detection. This means that any submitted document with less than 30,000 words will now generate an AI writing report.
  2. Additionally, Turnitin will no longer display an AI score for documents where their algorithm detects less than 20% AI writing, to avoid potential incidents of false positives. When AI writing is detected below the 20% threshold, it will be reported with an asterisk (*) and no percentage will be attributed.

These changes apply to new submissions only and will not retroactively affect existing submissions.

If you have any questions about these updates, please email us at digital.education@bristol.ac.uk.

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