Updated Marks and Feedback integration

The University will update its current offline marking tool, which allows administrators to bulk download and upload assessments, starting in October 2024. The update will not change the functionality of the tool, and all older files will still be available.

Why is this happening?

Blackboard no longer supports our current version of the offline marking tool, which allows administrators to bulk download and upload assessments. They will be replacing our old Marks and Feedback extension with a newer version that uses a more modern integration standard, called Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). This change was planned to take place during the summer break, but technical issues have pushed it back until now.

LTI benefits

  • Interface improvements
  • Compatibility with Blackboard Ultra
  • Time stamps for uploads
  • Long-term support

Key differences

The new Marks and Feedback tool mirrors the functionalities of the old version. There are slight differences in the menu for accessing the new tool. However, the overall functionality will remain the same, and the student experience will not be affected. The key differences are:

  • A slight change in the way staff access the new tool
  • Bulk downloads that take more than two minutes to process will appear in the ‘previous download’ view
  • Previous downloads will no longer be available as a column in the assignment list.

Key dates

After 30 September 2024, the existing Marks and Feedback extension will be unavailable for downloads, uploads and releasing grades. From 1 October, new Blackboard offline assignments will use the Marks and Feedback LTI. Files that were submitted before this change, and to old courses, will still be available in the new tool.

How to access the new Marks and Feedback tool

Depending on whether your course is using Blackboard Original or Blackboard Ultra, you will have different ways of accessing the tool.

Blackboard Original view

For Blackboard Original, instructors will be able to access the tool via Course Tools under Course Management. The ‘Assignment Anonymity’ tool will be replaced by ‘Marks and Feedback Settings’, while ‘Marks and Feedback’ will replace the following items:

  • Download assignments
  • Download, Upload, and Release uploaded grades
  • Release uploaded grades
  • Upload grades and feedback.

In the image to the right, the items highlighted in red will be replaced by the Marks and Feedback LTI tool links, in green. (Please click on the image to enlarge it.)

Blackboard Ultra view

For Blackboard Ultra, instructors will need to navigate to the Course Content area and then click on the right-hand Course Tools section to open the panel showing ‘Marks and Feedback’ as well as ‘Marks and Feedback Settings’.

In the image to the left, you can see the new LTI tool links highlighted in green. (Please click on the image to enlarge it.)



Useful links

Further information

Any further updates will be added to this blog. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

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