Blackboard Notifications – update 4th October

In order to address the slow running of Blackboard we have taken the action of switching off the collection of Notifications (both web and mobile) on the advice of Blackboard and our colleagues in IS. Since making this change to the system we have not had any problems with the speed of the service.

We are currently addressing these problems and are hopeful that we will be able to switch the Notifications back on as soon as possible.

Apologies once again for any inconvenience caused by the slow running of the service earlier this week.

If you have any questions, please email

Blackboard Notifications to be switched off

Following on from the problems with the speed of the Blackboard service earlier today we will be switching off the Notifications Dashboard from tonight.

We will be monitoring the impact of this change and will provide updates via this blog.

If you have any questions, please email

Blackboard running slowly – 1st October

We are currently experiencing database problems with Blackboard and as a result the service is running very slowly.

Our colleagues in Information Services are working to fix the problem.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may be causing you at this busy time of year.

If you have any questions please email

Blackboard Mobile Log in Problems – Update

Users may still be experiencing problems logging in to the Blackboard Learn Mobile App. Please note that this appears to be affecting a small percentage of users.

A solution if you are experiencing problems is to ensure you are using the latest version of the App and to delete and re install the App on your device.

We have also now raised this problem with the Blackboard Mobile team and we have a support call open with them to try and resolve any ongoing problems.

Apologies for any problems this may be causing. If you have any questions please email



Critical Dates for 2013_14

We are currently collecting information on critical dates for Blackboard availability for this academic year.  Critical dates are those dates on which it is essential that Blackboard is available, for activities such as assignment submission, online assessments, collaborative student report writing or access to materials in preparation for an assessment.

Critical date information is very important to us. We use these dates to schedule downtime for essential maintenance to Blackboard and other systems on which Blackboard depends with the least disruption to you and your students.  The information also helps us and the IT Servicedesk to more effectively support students and staff in the event of an unexpected disruption to Blackboard or related services (such as MyBristol).

Please could you send the following information about any critical dates to
* date and time of activity (e.g. online submission deadline)
* summary of activity (e.g. assignment submission, peer assessment activity,  online quiz or exam, departmental Blackboard demonstration, etc)
* approximate number of students involved
* course names or IDs
* staff contact details

Many thanks
TEL team

Urgent Blackboard Downtime – Tuesday 3rd September 2013 – 7 – 11am

As part of our program of work to improve the Blackboard service for our users our colleagues in IT Services will be carrying out work on the servers that support Blackboard.

This work will take place on Tuesday 3rd September between 7 and 11am the service will not be available during this time.

We are hopeful that Blackboard will be available before 11am and will post an announcement via this blog.

Please note this work is in addition to our scheduled maintenance windows – more information here

Apologies for the short notice – if you have any questions please email






Blackboard Maintenance Windows – system unavailable

For five weeks prior to the start of the new academic year we will be scheduling a maintenance window from 8-9am on the following Thursday mornings –

29th August

5th September

12th September

19th September

26th September

These windows will allow us and our colleagues in IS to ensure the system is in the best shape for the coming academic year.

If you have any questions please email