Turnitin Service Degradation – Monday 5th March – Normal Service Restored

We have just recieved the following notification from Turnitin UK –

Turnitin Service Alert

Users may experience slowness while making submissions or viewing them, we are continuing to investigate this issue as a priority. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please let your students know that they may need to leave extra time for submitting to the service. We will update this post when we have more information.
Update – 3.45pm Turnitin have confirmed that normal service has been resumed.
Digital Education Office


Re/Play (formerly Mediasite) will be unavailable between midnight and 4:00 am on Thursday 12 October

The Re/Play service (formerly Mediasite) will be at risk of being unavailable for up to four hours between midnight and 4:00 am on Thursday 12 October. Sonic Foundry (the company that host the service) need to undertake work to improve the playback experience for staff and students.

During the period of the upgrade, users will not be able to play recordings. The upgrade is out of hours to minimise impact. Nevertheless, we apologise for the inconvenience caused.



Mediasite renaming as Re/Play

As part of a program of investment by the University in the Mediasite technology the service will be renamed Re/Play from September onward.

Managed by the Digital Education Team in partnership with IT services and Learning Facilities Management over the coming year we will see investment in to the service under four themes

  • Increased room coverage
  • Increased coverage of Cameras for recording of chalkboards and whiteboards
  • An innovation fund to allow for creation of Media using the Re/Play service outside of the equipped rooms
  • Pilot of software solution for smaller teaching spaces

Re/Play provides the automated recording of audio and projected content of lectures, accessed via Blackboard. The means of recording, editing and accessing lectures will remain the same. Please bear with us whilst we revise the support pages. If you’re new to the university and require technical support, please contact service-desk@bristol.ac.uk

More information will follow on this blog and on our projects pages – if you have any questions please contact the Digital Education Office.


Mediasite Lectures delay in publishing to Blackboard – 8th May (updated)

Update – 11.00am 8th May – All Mediasite recordings should now be visible in the associated course areas in Blackboard.

We are still experiencing delays with recordings not appearing in the links for students in Blackboard courses.

Mediasite are aware of the problem and are working to fix this. All of the recordings are still present on the Mediasite server so no lectures will be lost.

Update – 11.00am The adding of recordings to Blackboard courses is now catching up and we are seeing content from the 2nd May be adding to the links in Blackboard.

Any questions please email tel-help@bristol.ac.uk



Mediasite lectures not being visible – 2nd May 2017 (updated)

We are currently investigating missing recordings from the catalogs in Blackboard from the Mediasite Service. TELED are working with our colleagues in IT Services and the supplier to understand why the problem has occurred and to resolve this issue.

Update 13.00- we have identified where the problem is occurring and have established that is a percentage of the recordings not everything recorded last week. This has been escalated with the supplier and is being looked in to by the Engineers. Please note that no recordings have been lost it is just the link in to Blackboard that has encountered problems.

Update 3rd May 10am – The problem with the links in Blackboard from Mediasite has now been resolved. If your students are still reporting  missing recordings please can you email tel-help@bristol.ac.uk.


Mediasite playback problems – 08/01/2017

We have received reports that there were problems with playback of lecture recordings around midday on 08th January. These problems were only for a short period of time and normal service was resumed shortly afterwards.

We are currently working with Sonic Foundry to establish the reason for the problems and will update this post when we have a response.

If you or your students are still experiencing problems please email service-desk@bristol.ac.uk


Turnitin unavailable – 5th November 1pm – 6pm

Turnitin have announced on Saturday November 5, the following services will be unavailable from 1pm – 6pm GMT due to necessary scheduled maintenance:
• Turnitin (including mobile)
• TurnitinUK
• iThenticate
• WriteCheck
• Integrations

Where applicable, please be aware no submissions or grading will be possible through any of the services listed above during this time. We therefore advise that submission deadlines be set outside of this maintenance window.