[Resolved] Turnitin delays in the generation of similarity reports

On Monday, 9 December at 11:38 AM, Turnitin resolved the issue causing delays in the generation of Turnitin similarity reports.

Students were not affected by this issue and were able to submit their work. The incident did not impact the upload feature or any other functionalities within Turnitin.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

New feature: Blackboard Assignments can use SafeAssign similarity tool

We are pleased to announce that SafeAssign, Blackboard’s originality checking tool, is now available for use in all courses using Blackboard Assignments.

The Digital Education Office has provided guidance on enabling this tool within Blackboard Assignments, which can be accessed as part of our supplementary resources for staff.

If you have any questions, please contact digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

Changes to bulk upload for Turnitin similarity reports

Turnitin has just informed us of its decision to cease support for assignment submissions on behalf of non-enrolled students, effective from 19 September. Submission on behalf of non-enrolled students is an integral part of the workflow that allowed instructors to bulk upload Blackboard assignments to turnitinuk.com to generate similarity reports.

From 19 September, student administrators who wish to continue using Turnitin similarity reports for Blackboard assignments will have to manually associate each submission with an enrolled student, following upload. If this is not feasible – due to large cohort size, for example – we recommend switching to using Turnitin assignments for student submissions, rather than Blackboard assignments. (If the submission requires multiple files per student, you will need two submission points: one via a Turnitin assignment, to generate the similarity report, and another via a Blackboard assignment, to manage the additional files.)

For group submissions, files must be submitted via Blackboard assignments; you will then need to download one file per group using the Marks and Feedback tool. Afterwards, you will upload these files to Turnitin and manually associate each of them with one group member in order to generate a similarity report.

More detailed guides for the options suggested here will be made available shortly.

If your school will be affected by Turnitin’s decision, please contact the DEO to notify us of the number of units that will be affected, by emailing us at digital-education@bristol.ac.uk