The issue with some assignment submission email receipts not being received was resolved on January 17, and is no longer occurring. Please accept our apologies for not providing a separate update sooner.
Author: Hanrahan Highland
Scheduled Turnitin Maintenance, Saturday 18 January
There will be a four-hour maintenance window for Turnitin on Saturday 18 January between 4 pm and 8 pm, during which time you may experience intermittent availability of the service.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
[RESOLVED] Issues accessing other tools via Blackboard
Normal access to tools accessed through Blackboard has been resumed. There were issues between 07.44 and 11.13 on December 3.
Original post:
[CLOSED] Issues accessing other tools via Blackboard
Update: Normal access to tools accessed through Blackboard has been resumed. There were issues between 07.44 and 11.13 today.
There is a global issue creating intermittent issues with accessing other tools and services through Blackboard. This is affecting, for example, access to Re/Play, Turnitin and Marks Extract. The Blackboard engineers have identified the issue and are working on fixing it. We will provide an update on this blog as soon as we have one.
If you have any questions, please contact
Resource Lists (Talis Aspire Reading Lists) update
Detailed instructions about how to create new Resource List links in Blackboard Original courses, using the updated Talis Aspire tool, can now be found on the Library website (support guide 5: “Publishing and sharing your list”), alongside contextual information on creating and managing the lists themselves. If you need support with updating your links, or with Resource Lists in general, please contact, including the unit code and name of your unit in the message.
To create new Resource List links in Blackboard Ultra courses, please follow the DEO guidance.
The old links are still working, allowing you to refer to these while creating your new links, but will stop working by the end of September, so please create the new links as soon as possible. Note that the Resource Lists themselves do not need to be updated – these will still work fine – it’s only the links to the Lists from inside Blackboard that need updating. Any links created by the old method, such as those copied from a previous year’s course, should be deleted once the new links have been created.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
Talis Aspire Reading Lists changes
As part of the improvements to the ways other tools are integrated with Blackboard, the Talis Aspire Reading Lists integration has been upgraded, so the links in this coming year’s Blackboard courses to Talis Aspire Reading Lists (or Resource Lists) will need to be updated accordingly. Note that the Talis Lists themselves do not need to be updated – these will still work fine – it’s only the links to the Lists from inside Blackboard that need updating. Unfortunately, there is no way to automatically convert the old links to the new format, so the links will need to be re-added, following our guidance. Any links created by the old method, such as those copied from a previous year’s course, should be deleted.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions, please contact
Changes to Blackboard Submission Receipts
Blackboard is deprecating support for the Receipting Building Block, which we use to customise the receipt students receive when submitting work to a Blackboard Assignment, at the end of 2023. This will lead to two changes in the submission receipts that are important to note.
For students
- Currently, the email receipt includes a link that students can use to download a copy of their submitted document(s).
- From 2024, this link will not exist, and students will only be able to download a copy of their submitted document(s) if the submission point is available to them.
For administration staff
- Currently, submission receipts are stored for review within the content system of a given course.
- From 2024, submission receipts will be stored within the Grade Centre’s “Reports” function.
The default wording from 2024 will be:
Your submission has been received and we have recorded the following details.
[These include Confirmation ID, Course Title, Course ID, Assignment Name, Date and Time of Submission, File name(s) and size(s).]
Please retain this receipt. If you have any queries about your submission, please contact your school.
[Resolved] Imported groups missing for Qwickly Attendance
IT Services worked over the weekend and have fixed the problem with importing groups from the timetabling system, Syllabus+, into Blackboard. All groups should now be available.
[Closed] Imported groups missing for Qwickly Attendance
There has been a problem with importing groups from the timetabling system, Syllabus+, into Blackboard. IT Services has been investigating the problem and hopes to have a solution soon. In the meantime, staff will not be able to take attendance with Qwickly using these imported groups, although manually-created groups will be available for taking attendance as usual. There is also the option to take attendance using the ‘All Students’ option in Qwickly:
Alternatively, you can take a paper record of attendance and use the ‘Past Time’ option in Qwickly to enter the attendance at a later date.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this. If you have any questions, please contact
2023/24 Blackboard “parent” courses available
The annual “rollover” of Blackboard courses has been completed, and the 2023/24 Blackboard courses are available to access now, including “parent” courses.
The courses are copies of the previous year’s courses, where those exist, including any template. New units, or units that have had a change of unit code, will be generated as copies of the school’s template, or as a generic template if your school does not have its own template. Copied courses will need to be refreshed for the new academic year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email