[Open] Re/Play timeout message.

We are aware of reports of a timeout error message when accessing Re/Play from a Blackboard course menu link (eg to the unit collection of recordings). The supplier has been informed and we are awaiting confirmation of the remedial action required. Recordings added or shared by other methods (eg added via the build content tools in Blackboard) and room recordings are currently unaffected.

We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

New LTI tools for adding Re/Play content in Blackboard

As part of the ongoing work by the Digital Education Office to improve the Re/Play service, the methods you use to add Re/Play content to Blackboard are changing.

We will be decommissioning some of the methods staff may be familiar with, and have added a new method which improves usability and the search function. We have updated our guidance to show the new method. Content added in other ways and content from previous years will still work. This work will be completed by mid-September and we will post updates to this blog as the work progresses.

If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

[Resolved] Slow loading of Re/Play content

We are pleased to announce that the issue with slow loading of Re/Play materials in Blackboard has been resolved. This means that all Re/Play material impacted is now accessible to students and search is not timing out.

Please accept our apologies for any difficulty this issue has caused you.

If you encounter any further issues, please email the Digital Education Office.

[Resolved] Access to RePlay from Blackboard Menu

There is an update to this issue from the 08 February.

We are currently investigating an issue with Re/Play where access to catalogues is no longer working using the left hand menu in Blackboard.  We are liaising with the supplier and we will update this post as we have more information.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

If you have questions please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk


[Open] Ownership permissions of Re/Play Recordings

There is an update on this issue, which can be found from this blog post from 01 February.

We are currently investigating a problem with ownership for Re/Play recordings being changed, to the admin account, away from the person who was timetabled to deliver the session. This means if you log on to the My Re/Play tab you may not be able to see recently recorded lectures from rooms, where you have received an email to say it is ready for viewing.

We are working with the supplier to resolve this as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

[Resolved] Editing lecture recordings causing playback issues

We are pleased to confirm that the issue whereby editing a Re/Play recording using the Re/Play editor caused playback issues has been resolved. Our supplier identified a bug in the current version of the software, and an update was applied last weekend to fix it.

The Digital Education Office has tested the issue and confirmed that it is no longer occurring, so editing can resume. If, however, you do encounter any problems, please contact digital-education@bristol.ac.uk as soon as possible.

We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

Scheduled Maintenance – Re/Play, January 22nd 2022

Mediasite have advised us that there will be scheduled Re/Play maintenance taking place on Saturday, January 22nd, between midnight and 4 am. During this time, users will experience brief periods with no availability. The purpose of the maintenance is to update Re/Play to the latest version. This is not a major update and will be addressing a number of bug fixes.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.