Turnitin “Email Non-Submitters” link should not be used

A new link has been automatically added to Turnitin assignment inboxes in Blackboard, giving Instructors the option to “Email Non-Submitters”. Unfortunately, this feature does not currently work with all versions of the Blackboard/Turnitin integration – including the one used at the University of Bristol. Turnitin’s engineering team is planning to remove the link, where it doesn’t work, in the future. In the meantime, instructors should ignore it. Turnitin apologize for any inconvenience.

Turnitin service alert 20 July 2015

Turnitin have issued the following announcement about an issue users may have encountered on the 18th, 19th and 20th July, 2015: 

“Some users may have encountered an issue with the Turnitin and TurnitinUK services on the 18th, 19th and 20th of July, 2015.
Images and buttons within the Turnitin service, including the assignment submission page within Turnitin may not have loaded correctly.
This issue may have prevented student users from being able to submit work.
The issue was resolved on the 20th of July, 2015 at 01.15 PST. We apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused.”

Further information about Turnitin Service status is at:


Issue when editing Turnitin assignment post date

We are currently investigating an issue with the Turnitin integration with the Blackboard Grade Centre.

If an instructor edits the Turnitin post date while the associated column in the Blackboard Grade Centre is hidden to students, it causes the relevant column to become visible to students allowing them to see their marks and feedback.

While we test a fix to this problem, when adding a Turnitin point please set the post date to a suitable future date and do not edit this until you are happy for marks and feedback to be released. If you do need to make any changes to the post date please ensure that you check the corresponding Grade Centre column to ensure your settings have been maintained.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.



Issues with feedback in Turnitin Grademark

Some staff and/or students may have noticed issues with feedback provided in Turnitin Grademark over the past day or so. We have reported these to Turnitin and they have today responded as follows:
 “Some users have reported a display issue with the downloaded PDF format of their Originality and GradeMark reports. The text may be misaligned, and some highlights or GradeMark comments may be missing, also within GradeMark reports the voice comments are inaccessible possibly due to a save error. Our engineering team is currently investigating the issue, and any updates will be provided as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.”
 Until we hear back from Turnitin that the issues are fixed we suggest that:

1. Staff use only text feedback (not audio)
2. Students view their feedback online rather than on printout


Turnitin scheduled maintenance on July 26th

Turnitin have informed us of scheduled maintenance on July 26th, as follows:

“The Turnitin service may be unavailable during a scheduled maintenance period on Saturday, July 26th, 2014, from 9 AM to 9 PM U.S. Pacific Time (click for local time). We will be making significant upgrades to improve capacity and scalability as our service utilization grows. An announcement will appear for users within Turnitin in advance of when the system will be unavailable for this scheduled maintenance. This maintenance will affect Turnitin and TurnitinUK users. Instructors are encouraged to modify assignment due dates either before or at least several hours after the scheduled maintenance window.”

Turnitin also provides updates via the Turnitin System Status page or via Twitter at @TurnitinStatus.

Turnitin report problem when moving files

Turnitin has identified an issue with the paper “Move To” feature in the assignment inbox which may affect Instructors. It is prompting users to delete papers instead of move them. Turnitin are working on a fix. They advise users to click “Cancel” on the prompt and avoid using this feature until it has been fixed.

If you have any concerns or queries please contact tel-help@bristol.ac.uk

Turn it in – submissions now working

Dear All
Turn it in now report that they have fixed the problem with slow submissions on their system. Students should now find that the speeds are normal/acceptable.
Staff will still experience delay in the processing of the % matches (the system has a few days backlog to process) so expect a delay of several hours to 2 days after your students have submitted before you see the % match appearing.
Joseph Gliddon
Learning Technologist