Turnitin maintenance 14-15 January 2023

Turnitin have informed us that their services will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance from Saturday 14th January 2023 at 17:00 until Sunday 15th January 2023 at 01:00 GMT.  During this maintenance window users will be unable to submit or mark papers, or view marks, feedback and similarity reports.

Further information is available on the Turnitin status page.



Important information if batch uploading papers to Turnitin

Staff using a Blackboard marking workflow who require Turnitin similarity reports can batch download assignments from Blackboard and batch upload them to Turnitin. Since the move to the Turnitin LTI integration this functionality (zip file upload) is only available to Instructors via the Turnitin website (please contact DEO if you require instructions).
Batch upload via the Turnitin website should not be used if marking is to be done using Turnitin. Papers uploaded in this way will not sync with the Blackboard Grade Centre.
If marking with Turnitin is required papers must be submitted via Blackboard.

If you have any queries please contact digital-education@bristol.ac.uk

[Open] Turnitin LTI assignment optional settings not being saved

The DEO has identified an issue whereby optional settings chosen during creation of a Turnitin LTI assignment may not be correctly saved. These optional settings include Compare against options, Attach a rubric and the Generate Similarity Reports for student submission dropdown menu.

This has been reported to Turnitin and they are currently investigating the issue.

In the meantime, as a workaround, saving the assignment settings for future use upon assignment creation will ensure that the selected settings are correctly applied. This can be done when creating the submission point by:

  1. Opening the Optional settings
    Optional settings image
  2. Selecting the option Save these settings for future use
  3. Clicking Submit to save the changes.
    Additional settings image

Alternatively, instructors may wish to edit the assignment before use to check the settings, in which case any changes made during editing will be applied. To do this instructors will need to:

  1. Access the Turnitin submission point to reach the Assignment Inbox
  2. Click on the top right cog icon to access the settings
  3. Open Optional settings
  4. Modify the required settings
  5. Click Submit to save the changes.

We apologise for any disruption that this issue may cause. We will provide an update as soon as we have any further information from the supplier.

In the meantime if you have any questions please contact the DEO.

Turnitin Assignments for Administrators – places available on training webinars

Places are available on a new DEO webinar ‘Turnitin Assignments for Administrators’. This will cover how Instructors set up and manage assignment submissions using the new Turnitin LTI assignment. The session will include a demonstration and Q and A. Upcoming dates: 27th October, 1st November and 8th November.    Further information and booking (via Develop).

New Turnitin LTI integration in Blackboard from September 2022

As a reminder, the University will be switching to a new Turnitin integration with Blackboard, called Turnitin LTI, from the 1st September 2022.

Similarity reports and the Feedback Studio used for marks and feedback will remain the same but some other aspects will be changing. Improvements include an enhanced interface, an analytics dashboard and the ability to distribute anonymous marking using a single submission point. Other differences include a slight change to the way Instructors set up and access new LTI Turnitin assignments and downloadable onscreen digital receipts for students rather than emails.

For more information, please see the Turnitin Transition projects page.

[Open] Turnitin ZIP file submission currently unavailable

Update: Our recent testing shows ZIP file submissions are now working as normal, however the supplier is still investigating.

Turnitin ZIP file submissions are currently unavailable. During this time, staff may find they are unable to upload ZIP files to Turnitin and instead receive an error message. Turnitin have been informed and are working on a resolution. In the meantime, our testing has shown the Multiple File Upload and Single File Upload options appear to be working correctly, so files which need to be uploaded urgently can be done so through those methods.

If you have any questions, please contact the Digital Education Office.

[Closed] Turnitin Similarity Report and Feedback Studio degraded performance

This issue has now been resolved.

Turnitin are reporting degraded performance affecting Similarity Reports and Feedback studio. During this time you may find you are unable to load, or experience slow loading times for, Feedback Studio.

Students remain able to submit work and view marks and feedback.

We apologise for any inconvenience and will blog again when this issue has been resolved. You can also track this incident on the Turnitin status page.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.