Digital Insights Surveys launched today

The Digital Insights surveys for students and for staff who support the delivery of learning are available from today.

Professional Services staff survey

Academic staff survey

Student survey

All surveys will close on December 6th.


Digital Insights Surveys live from November 16th

The University will be running surveys with staff and students on their digital experience using the Jisc Digital Experience Insights survey.

The three surveys, which will run between November 16th and December 7th 2020, are:

  • A student survey
  • A teaching staff survey
  • A professional services staff survey

The surveys will be managed by Education Services with input from other stakeholders, including IT Services.

The Digital Experience Insights survey allows us to collect and analyse data about the digital environment and how digital technologies are used in learning, teaching and support activity.

The surveys capture user expectations and experiences of technology, based on concise question sets which have been intensively trialled within higher education. The surveys will allow us to gather data on the digital experience of staff and students and benchmark our provision with other HEIs. The information generated will inform our decision-making and resource allocation, and demonstrate where we have made improvements.

Please encourage your colleagues and students to complete the survey. As a direct result of last year’s student survey, we have:

  • Improved the consistency of Blackboard courses through new templates and core standards
  • Developed a new range of direct support for students (including the new digital induction, guides and contextual help)
  • Recruited 12 Student Digital Champions to inform the development of the digital environment and improve our support for students
  • Introduced new tools to support teaching and learning

More information and project updates will be posted on the DEO website.

Digitally Ready course: an update

After the course ran successfully during the digital induction week, the DEO is updating ‘Digitally Ready’ with new content in November and January.  In this update, we tell you a bit more about what students thought of the course so far and what’s coming up.

‘Digitally Ready’ is available under your list of ‘My Organisations’ on Blackboard. If you can’t access the course, follow this link where you can self-enrol onto Digitally Ready.

Guidance on recording teaching and hybrid teaching

The DEO have drafted two new guides to support staff planning teaching and timetables in TB2. The first guide is a summary of options for recording online and face-to-face teaching. This guide also includes options which could be used instead of recording (which might be useful for all students on a unit). The second guide summarises some questions and considerations which might be useful for any staff considering hybrid teaching (teaching online and face-to-face students at the same time) to enable self-isolating students to join on-campus sessions. Hybrid teaching can be complex and difficult to do well, and teaching rooms are not currently designed to support it. This guidance considers some of the areas you may need to address before you choose to adopt it.

Turnitin service update – 6th Nov 9am

Turnitin have advised us that due to an unexpected service degradation users may have experienced slowness when submitting using the service on Thursday 5th November between 17:17  and 19:13.

Submission is now back to normal.

However users may still continue to experience slow similarity report generation.

More information can be found on the Turnitin Status page.

We apologise for any inconvenience.  If you have any questions please contact

Questionmark Scheduled Maintenance: 15 November 2020

Questionmark have advised us that there will be scheduled maintenance taking place on 15 November 2020.  The purpose of the maintenance is to deploy system updates to ensure the ongoing reliability, security and up time of the platform.

During this time all users may experience service disruptions. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you have any questions, please email


Daily drop-ins and upcoming webinars

We are still running our daily drop-ins (3pm on working days, no need to book, ask us anything).

In addition we have webinars coming up in the next couple of weeks:

  • 13 Oct, 11am – Advanced Blackboard course design
  • 14 Oct, 11am – Engaging online discussions
  • 14 Oct, 3.15pm – Introduction to Blackboard Annotate
  • 19 Oct, 1pm – Marking online using Blackboard marks and feedback extension
  • 20 Oct, 1pm – Introduction to creating and managing tests in Blackboard
  • 21 Oct, 11am – Advanced Blackboard course design
  • 21 Oct, 1.30pm – Blackboard basics

Details and booking on the DEO events page

Making your Blackboard courses and organisations available to students

As an Instructor, if under “My Courses” or “My Organisations” on your Blackboard home page you see “not currently available” or “unavailable” after the course name, this means the course is unavailable to students. Instructors can still access and edit the course.

  • Click on the course/organisation
  • Under Control Panel, click on Customisation
  • Click on Properties
  • In section 3, Set availability, select Yes
  • Click Submit.

If you have any problems or queries, please contact

Blended teaching and learning tools requirements gathering

The Digital Education Office is leading work to document learning and teaching activities which are not easy to do, or do well, with our current digital tools. If you have a suggestion for a new tool please let us know by adding it to the software request form. On the DEO website, the form is housed in a web page which highlights tools which are in the process of being purchased. We will also update this page with tools which have received a high number of requests (in case you want to keep abreast of what might be available or upvote something).

If you have already submitted a request to the DEO, BILT or IT Services we will add it into the requirements gathering for you.

This is part of a co-ordinated effort by IT Services and the DEO to collate requirements for software and hardware that will be needed to support teaching next year. There is also a separate form to request access to specialist teaching software – all forms are available from the blended learning Sharepoint site.