[Closed] RePlay Timeout message

We are aware of reports of a timeout error message when accessing Re/Play from a Blackboard course menu link (eg to the unit collection of recordings) and searching for recordings through My Re/Play. The supplier has been informed and we are awaiting confirmation of the remedial action required. Recordings added or shared by other methods (eg added via the build content tools in Blackboard) and room recordings are currently unaffected.

We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

[Open] ‘Full screen’ view option not displaying for some Re/Play videos

We are aware of a problem with selecting ‘full screen’ for Re/Play videos when accessed via the Re/Play link on a Blackboard course menu. The supplier is investigating as a matter of urgency.

In the interim, you can get the ‘full screen’ button to show by opening the video collection in a new tab or window:

  • click the Re/Play link in the course menu as normal to open the collection
  • ‘right-click’ (PC) or ‘CTRL + click’ (Mac) on the ‘Home’ button at top left (see screenshot below)
  • select “Open link in new tab” or “Open link in new window” from the menu that appears.

This workaround has been successfully tested in Chrome and Edge browsers.

Screenshot showing the 'Home' menu icon.










If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

[Closed] Re/Play edits failing to save

This issue has been resolved by a bug fix implemented on the 18th March 2023.

We are aware of an issue affecting staff when attempting to save edits within Re/Play – after completing the edits on the timeline and clicking ‘Save Video’, the edits fail to save.

The Digital Education Office is working with the supplier to resolve the issue. If you urgently need to make edits to a video, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk and include a link to the recording in question.

[Open] Re/Play timeout message.

We are aware of reports of a timeout error message when accessing Re/Play from a Blackboard course menu link (eg to the unit collection of recordings). The supplier has been informed and we are awaiting confirmation of the remedial action required. Recordings added or shared by other methods (eg added via the build content tools in Blackboard) and room recordings are currently unaffected.

We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

[Closed] Re/Play timeout error message

This issue is now resolved. See the updated blog post for the latest information. 

We are aware of reports of a timeout error message when trying to access Re/Play from a Blackboard course menu link (eg to the unit collection of recordings). The supplier has identified the issue is related to search based functions, and is working to resolve it as soon as possible. Recordings added or shared by other methods (eg added via the build content tools in Blackboard) are currently unaffected.

We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

Re/Play guidance for the 2022/23 academic year

During the summer of 2022, there have been significant improvements made to the Re/Play service as part of the DEO summer work and service improvements.

Move to a new LTI connection with Blackboard is complete

As with many of our tools, Re/Play has moved to a new, more modern, method of connecting to Blackboard (called an LTI) which will improve the stability and reliability of the system. This work has been completed successfully. For the main use of the Re/Play system, this connection will not be noticeable to users – lecture capture will work in the same way as before, and the recommended Re/Play course menu links will provide students with all of a unit’s collection of videos in the same way.

However, there are some minor changes to the way that content is manually added into Blackboard using tools like ‘Build Content’. If you add Re/Play videos to Blackboard, please refer to the information below on how to add Re/Play videos to your Blackboard course.

New guidance for using Re/Play

We have revamped and updated our Re/Play guidance to make it easier to find the help you need, when you need it. Please refer to the new Re/Play pages.

Additionally, the Central Teaching Spaces pages now lists whether rooms are Re/Play equipped (ie are set up to record lectures via the Re/Play recording boxes), or are hybrid equipped (ie have the AV equipment required to enable two-way communication for students both online and in person).

How to add Re/Play videos to your Blackboard course

Automatically recorded lectures are made available to students via the course collection, which is usually accessed from the ‘Re/Play’ link in the Blackboard left-hand menu. However, if you want to add Re/Play recordings (either lecture capture or uploaded) to specific sections of a course, there are several ways to do so. Some of these methods look a little different to last year, due to the LTI connection.

Our updated guidance ‘Re/Play videos: upload, enhance, share’ walks you through the recommended methods.

Note that these methods are recommended as they get the most from the connection between Blackboard and Re/Play, and should ensure the best student experience. This includes making sure students have the right permissions to access the videos. If you would like to use an alternative method, please contact the Digital Education Office for advice, to ensure that your students will be able to access the videos in the way that you would like them to.

[Resolved] Re/Play: Missed Recordings

The issue that was experienced on 26 September, where some sessions were not passed to Re/Play to record, has been resolved. This was caused by an issue with the provisioning app, which passes timetabling information into the Re/Play system. This issue has now been fixed.

While IT Services were working to fix the issue, we manually provisioned all recordings in order to prevent any further missed recordings. Therefore, the vast majority of recordings were processed yesterday (27 September) as planned. We sincerely apologise for any that were missed, or which were not the correct length. 

Recordings that were processed on 27 September may temporarily be assigned to the DEO as ‘owner’, so even though they are recorded and in the system they may not be immediately visible to the usual owner in their ‘My Re/Play’ area. We are working to rectify this situation, and appreciate your patience as we carry out our work on this.

If there is a recording that you need immediate access to – for example, for urgent editing – please email us at digital-education@bristol.ac.uk with details of the recording, so that we can restore your access.