TurnitinUK are currently experiencing degradation to service provision – Thurs 2nd Feb 2017 12.30 p.m.

We have received some system status reports from our software provider TurnitIn that they are currently experiencing some degradation to the service.  Please be aware that the system may be slower than usual if you are trying to access it.  We will keep this blog updated with any further information

TEL and Ed Dev Team

Turnitin Unavailable Saturday January 7th, 3pm – 11pm

Turnitin have announced on Saturday Saturday January 7th, the following services will be unavailable from 3pm – 11pm GMT due to necessary scheduled maintenance:
• Turnitin (including mobile)
• TurnitinUK
• iThenticate
• WriteCheck
• Integrations

Where applicable, please be aware no submissions or grading will be possible through any of the services listed above during this time. We therefore advise that submission deadlines be set outside of this maintenance window.