[Resolved] Access to RePlay from Blackboard Menu

There is an update to this issue from the 08 February.

We are currently investigating an issue with Re/Play where access to catalogues is no longer working using the left hand menu in Blackboard.  We are liaising with the supplier and we will update this post as we have more information.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

If you have questions please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk


Check permissions for Re/Play video embedded in Blackboard using HTML

Since August 2021, the recommended ways to embed Re/Play videos in Blackboard courses changed to reflect security updates in the University systems. Following this change, any Re/Play video which is embedded using an iframe code must have the permissions set to ‘Everyone’ for students to be able to view this content. 

The recent issue with Re/Play permissions removed the ‘Everyone’ permissions for iframe video content from the 2021/22 academic year, resulting in students being unable to play embedded video between Friday 28th January and Wednesday 2nd February 2022. Students would still have been able to access any Re/Play content associated with their units via the Re/Play menu item, which links directly to the unit catalogue. 

The Digital Education Office have restored these videos to a functional state by resetting the permissions to ‘Everyone’. If prior to this issue there had been embedded video without this universal setting, it would not have been viewable to students. However, the ‘Everyone’ setting means that the content would be viewable by anyone within or outside the University if a link was shared. If you have embedded video content which should not be set to ‘Everyone’, you will need to change the permission level via My Re/Play.  

As this content would not have previously been viewable to students, we recommend that you re-add the content using one of the methods, as outlined in this guide ‘Uploading, enhancing and adding videos to your course’ 

We apologise again for any inconvenience. 

[Update] Ownership permissions of Re/Play Recordings

This is an update to the issue first identified on the 28 January, where some staff were unable to view their recordings in Re/Play.

Access to recordings has now been restored for staff with units in Teaching Block 2 and staff should now be able to view their recordings as normal in their My Re/Play areas. Please note that there may be some instances where permission is not correct – for example where someone who is not the default owner was previously given access – as the permissions have been restored based on the data we have centrally.

If you find that the permissions for recordings are not correct, please contact the DEO. We thank you again for your help with ensuring permissions are as they need to be for your individual situation.

Access for staff who taught units in TB1 is not yet fully restored, so we continue to ask for your patience with access to edit recordings from TB1. Students are able to access playback of all recordings, as normal, and no recordings have been lost. Access for staff will be restored as soon as possible, but if you urgently need to edit a recording from TB1 please contact the DEO with details so that we can assist you.

We thank you again for your understanding regarding this issue; we are receiving a high number of queries related to this and the team are working hard to reply to everyone as soon as possible.



[Update] Ownership permissions of Re/Play Recordings

There is a further update on this issue, which can be found from this blog post from 01 February.

Following investigations, we can confirm that no recordings have been lost, and all are in the system as usual. Students are able to access published recordings as normal, and have not lost access to playback.

We are currently working to restore staff access to their folders as soon as possible, ensuring that current teaching is prioritised.

We understand that some recordings need to be edited prior to being made available, which is why we have the 48-hour delay in publishing recordings. If you need to access your recordings to edit them during this window and currently cannot access them, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk. Please provide the unit code, your username, and the details of the lecture you need access to most urgently, so that we can help as quickly as possible. Thank you for your help with this.

Permissions will be reset using the data we have available via timetabling and unit information in the University systems. If we have previously granted permissions to those who are not unit directors or owners in the system, we may need to do this again.

We again apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

[Open] Ownership permissions of Re/Play Recordings

There is an update on this issue, which can be found from this blog post from 01 February.

We are currently investigating a problem with ownership for Re/Play recordings being changed, to the admin account, away from the person who was timetabled to deliver the session. This means if you log on to the My Re/Play tab you may not be able to see recently recorded lectures from rooms, where you have received an email to say it is ready for viewing.

We are working with the supplier to resolve this as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

Automatic captions in Re/Play are now active

From January 2022, captions will be automatically added to all new content in Re/Play. Note that these captions are not designed to meet the requirement for accessibility for students who need them to study – students in this situation should always talk to Disability Services in the first instance as there is separate support in place for them. 

For recorded lectures, captions will be added to content once they are published, which is usually 48 hours after recording. This 48-hour window allows for any minor edits to the video to be made, before captions are timestamped. This will prevent them being out of synch with the content. Content manually uploaded to Re/Play will have captions added automatically once uploaded. They should be available a short time after upload, almost always within 24 hours. 

This video from the DEO explains the process in under 3 minutes.

Editing captions 

No automatically generated captions will be perfect, however. It is very common to see errors in automatically generated captions, but in the main they will be understandable. Setting expectations for how students should use captions is important: captions should enhance the learning experience rather than provide an alternative to the lecture. Students should always be using handouts, readings, and other course materials to check important terminology.  

Because the AI software ‘learns’ over time, however, editing errors can really help to improve accuracy in the long run. If you want to check and edit your captions, it’s easy to do so. Look for the ‘Edit Captions’ button in Re/Play under the recording you want to work on.  

Screenshot identifying the edit caption option in Mediasite









Then, select any text in the captions in the left-hand editing bar to change it. Notice the ‘find’ and ‘replace’ buttons too, which should help you check any key terminology quickly. Remember to ‘save’ regularly, and always before you leave the editor.  

Screenshot showing the captioning editor










What to do if you need more help 

If you find that your captions are so inaccurate they are unusable, or that it would take a long time to edit them, please contact the DEO so that we can help. We will soon have a small team of student caption editors who will be able to help edit captions when needed. They will be allocated on a first come basis, but also taking into account urgency and impact (eg, lectures which are critical for an exam, or recordings that will be used again by a large number of students).   

We have also set up a university-wide task and finish group to review process and support for the use of auto-generated captions, exploring approaches to improve captions where quality is low and assessing impact on roles and workload. Your faculty education director will be able to raise issues to this group, so please contact them with any feedback or concerns. 

[Resolved] Editing lecture recordings causing playback issues

We are pleased to confirm that the issue whereby editing a Re/Play recording using the Re/Play editor caused playback issues has been resolved. Our supplier identified a bug in the current version of the software, and an update was applied last weekend to fix it.

The Digital Education Office has tested the issue and confirmed that it is no longer occurring, so editing can resume. If, however, you do encounter any problems, please contact digital-education@bristol.ac.uk as soon as possible.

We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

[Resolved] Issues with playback in Re/Play

We are currently investigating an issue with users not being able play back some recordings in Re/Play. We are working on a resolution with the supplier.

Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience that this may be causing. Updates will be posted on this blog.

If you have any further questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

Scheduled Maintenance – Re/Play, January 22nd 2022

Mediasite have advised us that there will be scheduled Re/Play maintenance taking place on Saturday, January 22nd, between midnight and 4 am. During this time, users will experience brief periods with no availability. The purpose of the maintenance is to update Re/Play to the latest version. This is not a major update and will be addressing a number of bug fixes.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.