[Closed] Issue with Blackboard receipts

We have identified an issue with our Blackboard receipting tool, which is currently not always sending out email receipts to students after they have submitted their work. The receipts are always being stored in Blackboard, however.

As a temporary measure, we therefore advise students to check the “Submitted” section of “My Marks” after submitting their work. If a receipt is not recorded there, they should attempt to submit their work again and then contact their school if the issue persists. However, if a receipt is present, they should take a screenshot, note the time, and be assured that their work has been successfully submitted.

We are prioritising this matter and have raised it with Blackboard as an urgent issue. We will provide updates as soon as the issue has been resolved.

Questionmark OnDemand Scheduled Maintenance 18 May 2024 09:00-15:00

Questionmark will be carrying out scheduled maintenance on Saturday 18 May between 09:00 and 15:00.

The purpose of the maintenance is to deploy system updates to ensure the ongoing reliability, security and up time of the platform.

During this time users may experience service disruption. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk

Re/Play Maintenance 12 April

As part of the DEO’s work to future-proof and improve the Re/Play service, we will be working with IT Services from 11 am on 12 April to implement an improved data service. This work will switch the data provision from legacy to current systems and introduce some improvements in the way staff are associated with recordings.

There should be no impact on the service and we will be monitoring activity prior to and during the start of term.

If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

Questionmark OnDemand Scheduled Maintenance 20 April 2024 09:00-15:00

Questionmark will be carrying out scheduled maintenance on Saturday 20 April between 09:00 and 15:00.

The purpose of the maintenance is to deploy system updates to ensure the ongoing reliability, security and up time of the platform.

During this time users may experience service disruption. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk

Re/Play video caption glossary

Automatically-generated captions appear on all video presentations recorded using Re/Play. There are many reasons captions may be inaccurate, especially when using subject-specific language. Inaccurate captions affect readability and could potentially provide misleading information. To reduce the frequency of these inaccuracies, a glossary of mis-transcribed words will be supplied to our caption provider and updated periodically. This glossary will be applied to all Re/Play presentations.

Please use the link to the form below to suggest words to add to the glossary:


If you have any further questions, or would like to submit multiple words to the glossary as a spreadsheet, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.

Questionmark OnDemand Scheduled Maintenance 16 March 2024 09.00-1500

Questionmark will be carrying out scheduled maintenance on Saturday 16 March between 09:00 and 15:00.

The purpose of the maintenance is to deploy system updates to ensure the ongoing reliability, security and up time of the platform.

During this time users may experience service disruption. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you have any questions, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk

Turnitin Assignment Copy feedback release date should be set after the due date

Recently, Turnitin introduced a new functionality called Assignment Copy, which allows instructors to copy assignment setups for re-use. When using this feature, instructors should be careful when setting their assignment dates to ensure that the due date does not fall after the feedback release date. If a due date is set to after the feedback release date, students will gain access to their marks and feedback as soon as these are created.

If you have any queries about using this feature, please email digital-education@bristol.ac.uk.